Who am I ?
Since my youth, I have always felt a little out of time. While the others went to parties to party, I preferred to be in quiet places, listen to music or read.
I still remember that Sunday afternoon radio show, "Planète bleue", which combined tribal music and modernity, and which I never missed for the world. She rocked my adolescence.
Then, at the age of 20, the death of my father grabbed me into active life and work, to forget the pain. I spent 20 years behind a computer, computer scientist by trade, until I lost myself completely. I had to be on the edge of the void in my life to understand, once again in pain, how lost I had been and that the path was elsewhere, inside. Even today I often get lost, but more conscious, I come back to basics.
Who am I ? the eternal question that torments us. Let's just say that I am.
What am I doing ?
IT is my first profession. The site you have in front of you is one of my creations. But I have other strings to my bow. Magnetizer in my spare time, a little massage/reboutage when the opportunity arises... it's still a hobby.
A few years ago, I found myself offering an assembly of gemstones to a friend to protect her from electromagnetic waves. A ritual later, here she is armed with my bracelet, a veritable talisman that she won't stop praising. She encourages me to go further. I'm creating another one from which I'll get feedback that I didn't dare to hope for. Then one more, and again, and... It will have taken time to take the plunge, to prepare the ground, the impostor syndrome being very present in my house... But here I am today, creator of Sacred Talismans . These are not simple jewels, they are more like therapeutic or protective tools to help everyone move forward on their path.
As I like to say, I don't know exactly how I do it, but I craft in conscience, with the heart, with the soul, and the result is always stunning for people who are sensitive to energies. But no magic, I do 50 percent of the work, the wearer of my Talisman will have to do the remaining 50 percent.
Now... How it works ?

In most cases, I start by doing an intuitive search, which will reveal the gem(s) the person needs. I will then focus on the properties of each fine stone to more accurately determine "why" that stone vibrated.
Once the information is collected, I will be able to discuss it with the person concerned, and we can agree on the "intentions" to integrate into the Talisman.

For the making of the Talismans, I use the technique of micro-macrame. The latter allows me to create solid and elegant pieces.
The entire weaving phase is targeted on the intentions to be associated. The work is done in conscience, in order to better integrate the interactions between the future owner and the therapeutic properties of the stones. Nodes are wonderful anchors for intentions.

When the Talisman is finished, I add the finishing touches. A purification followed by a ritual is applied to the work so that it becomes a Sacred Talisman, bathed in Light and the Power of Intention.
Each Sacred Talisman is unique and woven for a specific purpose. The ritual makes it possible to anchor the intentions intended for its bearer, whether it is to protect it or allow it to move forward on its spiritual path.
If you want to know more, you can visit the site dedicated to my work on gemstones.
Where am I ?

I work at home, in Mayens d'Arbaz.
If you want to see me to discuss gemstones and Talismans to create, I can be available by appointment in nature or around a coffee. Contact me preferably before so that I carry out an intuitive search and then we can discuss the results of the search.
Thierry Vionnet
If interested, you can reach me by phone at +41 76 288 25 55 or by email at contact@talismans-sacres.ch.
Please note that I receive you only by appointment.
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